Thursday, May 31, 2007

file and configSource attribute in web.config

1. file attribute will take both inline keys of web.config + keys of external file
2. configSource attribute - we have to move entire section to external file

javascript alert from UpdatePanel

ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "clientScript", "alert('Record Successfully Saved')", true);

The last true is to add javascript tags

javascript alert from ASP.NET codebehind

string scriptString = "LT..script language="JavaScript"..GT javascript:alert('Record Saved');window.opener.location.reload();window.close();";
scriptString += "LT";
scriptString += "/";
scriptString += "script..GT";
if (!ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("clientScript"))
ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "clientScript", scriptString);

UpdateProgress Panel is always in new line

UpdateProgress Panel is always placed in a new line. To avoid the page flips when updateprogress is called -- use it in a new td tag inside table html

Website FileManager

DataSet.Merge or DataSet.Relations

1. For rows - columns merge - use DataSet.Merge
2. For Master-Detail (Primary key - foreign key) table relations - use DataSet.Relations
3. If you want to join two datatables based on some condition and display columns from both the tables, you have to manually find the key value by "for" loop and then create a new dataset..

For example if you take employee table from sql database and department from oracle database and you want to display empno, empname, deptid, deptname in one single table...manual binding is easier way.

SoapException for Webservices

public class Common
public enum FaultCode
Client=0, Server=1
#region Soap Exception
/// To raise Soap Exception
public static SoapException RaiseException(string uri, string webServiceNamespace, string errorMessage, string errorNumber, string errorSource, FaultCode code)
XmlQualifiedName faultCodeLocation = null;
//Identify the location of the FaultCode
switch (code)
case FaultCode.Client:
faultCodeLocation = SoapException.ClientFaultCode;
case FaultCode.Server:
faultCodeLocation = SoapException.ServerFaultCode;
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
//Create the Detail node
XmlNode rootNode = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element,
//Build specific details for the SoapException
//Add first child of detail XML element.
XmlNode errorNode = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Error",
//Create and set the value for the ErrorNumber node
XmlNode errorNumberNode =
xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "ErrorNumber",
errorNumberNode.InnerText = errorNumber;
//Create and set the value for the ErrorMessage node
XmlNode errorMessageNode = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element,
errorMessageNode.InnerText = errorMessage;
//Create and set the value for the ErrorSource node
XmlNode errorSourceNode =
xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "ErrorSource",
errorSourceNode.InnerText = errorSource;
//Append the Error child element nodes to the root detail node.
//Append the Detail node to the root node
//Construct the exception
SoapException soapEx = new SoapException(errorMessage,
faultCodeLocation, uri,
//Raise the exception back to the caller
return soapEx;

Crystal Report & Crystal Enterprise

Crystal Report
private void BindReport()
this.crReportDocument = new CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds = ListUsers(0, 0);
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = crReportDocument;
Crystal Enterprise

private void BindReport()
crReportDocument.EnterpriseLogonInfo.CmsServer = "..";
crReportDocument.EnterpriseLogonInfo.Password = "..";
crReportDocument.EnterpriseLogonInfo.Username = "..";
crReportDocument.FileName = "..";
crReportDocument.UriIsUserEditable = false;
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = crReportDocument;

Separate config file reference in web.config


wsdl.exe /out:myref.cs http://localhost/WebSvc/WebPage.asmx will create proxy class

to_date in Oracle

select * from TableName where startDt>=to_date('1/1/1900', 'mm/dd/yyyy')

to_char in Oracle

select to_char(Start_Date,'Mon dd, yyyy') as StartDt from table


DataView dv=new DataView();

dv.Sort=ID or Value;
string result=dv[dv.Find(ID or Value)]["ColumnName"].ToString()

Friday, May 25, 2007

SubString in SQL Server for comma separated

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_UpdateCountryUser
(@UserID int , @CountryIds varchar(1000))


DECLARE @intPos INT, @SubStr varchar(1000)

SET @CountryIDs=REPLACE(@CountryIDs,' ','')
SET @intPos=CHARINDEX(',',@CountryIDs)

WHILE @intPos >0

SET @SubStr=SubString(@CountryIDs,0,@intPos)

--delete, insert, update sql statement here

SET @CountryIDs=SUBSTRING(@CountryIDs, LEN(@SubStr) + 2, LEN(@CountryIDs) - LEN(@SubStr) + 1)

SET @IntPos = CHARINDEX(',', @CountryIDs)



Response Time of Major Shopping sites

I was searching to find out industrial standard response time of a web application and finally landed up to this. More than 20 secs, optimize the page

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Direct tnsNames.ora style ConnectionString for Oracle from .NET


2. if step 1 is successful, then

3. Location for tnsNames.ora file C:\oracle\ora817\network\ADMIN

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Scheduling of DTS in SQL Server

You can use windows scheduler, or you can use dtsrunui.exe. SQL Server Agent has to run for running the job in SQL Server

Friday, May 11, 2007

Build Google IG like Ajax Start Page in 7 days using ASP.NET Ajax and .NET 3.0

very good stuff here

Context Menus in ASP.AJAX.NET

There is a sample using AJAX.ASP.NET

returning output parameter values of Stored Procedure from DAAB of Ent. Library

Database db = GetDbConnection(0);
DbCommand dbCmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand("spName");
db.AddInParameter(dbCmd, "@ProductID", DbType.Int32, 1);
db.AddOutParameter(dbCmd, "@SubmID", DbType.Int32, 0);
queryOut = db.ExecuteNonQuery(dbCmd);
return Convert.ToInt32(db.GetParameterValue(dbCmd, "@SubmID"));

DataSet.Merge will merge rows or columns?

Yes. it will merge rows and columns of two datasets. For rows merge, Table Name and Column Names in both datasets should be the same. For columns merge, Column Names should be different, then new column will be added to the merged dataset.

accessing different SQL Server in stored procedures

Issue: If you have another database in the same server, you can write "select * from secondDB.dbo.TableName". But if you want to access another database which is in separate server, then what should we do?

Resolution: I have used "EXEC sp_addlinkedserver with OpenQuery" of SQL Server 2000. I don't know any other better method.

Intellisense in web.config is not working

remove this from configuration tag.


Element 'UpdatePanel' is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the Web site

This is the issue with Visual Studio 2005. Install SP1. Else do this as per this link.

I use the first method. Sometimes I have to open Master file, sometimes I have to close the master file from VS.NET, then only all the intellisenses are working.

Changing web.config to ajax tag, required me to change in every place, so I dont prefer this web.config solution.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Server Events for the controls inside Modal Popup Panel

If you have Ok button inside Modal Pop up Panel, How to post back to the server on OK_Click? By default popup does not post back. You have to use UseSubmitBehaviour=false in Ok Button